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The dangerous man is the player who mixes his style from back to fore court at the direction of an ever-alert mind. This is the man to study and learn from. he is a player with a definite purpose. A player who has an answer to every query you propound him in your game. He is the most subtle antagonist in the world. He is of the school of Brookes. Second only to him is the man of dogged determination that sets his mind on one plan and adheres to it, bitterly, fiercely fighting to the end, with never a thought of change. He is the man whose psychology is easy to understand, but whose mental viewpoint is hard to upset, for he never allows himself to think fo anything except the business at hand. This man is your Johnston or your Wilding. I respect the mental capacity of Brookes more, but I admire the tenacity of purpose of Johnston.

Pick out your type from your own mental processes, and then work out your game along the lines best suited to you.

When two men are, in the same class, as regards stroke equipment, the determining factor in any given match is the mental viewpoint. Luck, so-called, is often grasping the psychological value of a break in the game, and turning it to your own account.

We hear a great deal about the “shots we have made.” Few realize the importance of the “shots we have missed”. The science of missing shots is as important as that of making them, and at times a miss by an inch is of more value that a return that is killed by your opponent.

Let me explain. A player drives you far out of court with an angle-shot. You run hard to it, and reaching, drive it hard and fast down the side-line, missing it by an inch. Your opponent is surprised and shaken, realizing that your shot might as well have gone in as out. He will try to play the ball, and may fall into error. You have thus taken some of your opponent’s confidence, and increased his chance of error, all by a miss.

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Healthy Treatment For Acne: Heal Your Acne In The Healthy Way

cure your acnes

Discover The Safe And Efficient Acne Treatment That The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Hiding from You

Whatever your doctor might say, conventional treatments for acne cannot cure acnes. The only way to cure acnes safely and permanently is by using holistic and natural treatments. I have myself benefited from it and ever since then I have been able to help of thousands of people suffering from acne to get completely rid of acnes by adopting the holistic way.

I am Mike Walden. And I used to suffer from severe acne problems. At the age of 22 I decided that I had to find a way to cure acnes permanently and find a solution to prevent them as well. I researched and read every book I could find on skin care, acnes, detoxification, nutrition and hormones.

I have gone through hundreds of books on medicine. I have talked with innumerable acne sufferers and have tried to gain knowledge from homeopaths, doctors, herbalists and naturopaths.

Tried Tested Almost All Acne Treatments

I wanted to gain experience on my own, just reading books and theories was not enough for me. I underwent hydrotherapy, macrobiotics, blood type diet, no-mucus diet, Wai diet, vegetarianism, Accutane, Antibiotics, Proactive, Oratin, Zenmed, Benezoyl, reflexology…I went to healers too

Tried Tested and Disappointed!

Most of these treatments just didn’t have any effect on my skin; a few did have some short term result. It took me seven years of research to finally solve the problem and now I am completely ACNE FREE!

Cure Acne Naturally!

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Are You Feeling S.A.D.? Symptoms of and Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective

It’s not your imagination. Late autumn and through early spring brings shorter days and longer nights. This fact, coupled with seemingly endless stints spent indoors, can begin to wear on your psyche and make you feel depressed, sometimes to the point of becoming incapacitated. Experts estimate that some 20% of people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder or “S.A.D.”

If you have been feeling unusually “not yourself” for at least two weeks, you may be among this 20% of sufferers. Fortunately, learning to recognize the warning signs and seeking proper therapies will elevate your mood and you will be able to overcome the winter blues.

Symptoms of S.A.D.

· Sleepiness and Fatigue even when you’ve had plenty of sleep.

· Irritability. An interesting 2006 study “compared groups of people with active SAD and regular depression found that more than 40% of the people in the SAD group experienced sudden fits of inappropriate anger, compared to just 29% in the other group. Those with SAD experienced 19 of these “anger attacks” a month, on average.”

· Increased Appetite. If you are eating much more than usual, this may be another signal that you are suffering from SAD.

· Difficulty Concentrating such as re-reading a passage many times before you are able to recall its content.

· Loss of Interest in Sex.

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Treatment for S.A.D.

· Seek the light! Natural light or phototherapy, for thirty minutes in either morning or evening seems to produce the best results for symptoms of depression related to SAD.

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